Well, folks, its been a while since I've updated the ol' blog. Its been a fairly quiet and uneventful summer around here. I've taken a nice break from everything in order to just enjoy friends and family for a season. I basically did no craft fairs this spring/summer season. I had some health issues that really prevented me from loading/unloading all of my stuff on a routine basis. Plus, it wast just too hot to sell crocheted items. Can you imagine shopping for a hat or scarf in July? Especially with heat indices of 110+- NOT! However, I think the break was good for me not only physically but also creatively. I finally picked up my hook and yarn a few days ago and hammered out a very cute shawl in a few hours! It was so nice to crochet just for the fun of it and without any deadlines, etc.
I have promised myself that this year I will make some things for myself. I know, I know, I've said that I'm going to do that in the past but this year I intend to keep this promise to myself. I've been having good success with my low-carb lifestyle and I've lost 18lbs so far so I want a few new pieces to celebrate! Of course, this means new yarn! You guys will have to keep me accountable once in a while by asking me if I've made and kept anything for myself. Are you up to the task?
All-in-all things are going well here. My daughter is getting ready to start school- I only have 2 more years left to home school her. She may finish this year if she really pushes herself but I suspect it will take 2 years, lol. She just got her driver's permit a few weeks ago so that's done. My son is graduated and working at Endura Products full-time. He loves his job and I'm proud to say he is a very good worker. Both of my kids are sweet, thoughtful, and kind individuals. I am so happy with the way they conduct themselves and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to spend so much time with them through home schooling. I wouldn't trade that experience with them for any amount of money or material wealth.
Well, that's about it for now. Nothing too exciting but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around in the blogoshpere. I hope to be more active in posting but I make no promises, lol. However, I am out there reading lots of other people's blogs and being very inspired by them even if my own is neglected.